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Victoria Station

  • CLIENT: Network Rail

  • ARCHITECT: Landolt + Brown

  • MAIN CONTRACTOR: Geoffrey Osbourne

The Challenge

The existing restroom facilities at Victoria Station were outdated and in need of a significant overhaul. Complaints regarding cleanliness, accessibility, and overall comfort were affecting the station's reputation and passenger satisfaction. Addressing these challenges while ensuring minimal disruption to station operations was paramount.

The Solution:

Maxwood Washrooms embarked on a comprehensive restroom upgrade project aimed at revitalizing comfort and hygiene at Victoria Station. The project encompassed a range of improvements, from modernizing fixtures to enhancing accessibility and implementing advanced hygiene solutions.

Millions of users now pass through these excellent facilities, enhancing their overall experience of their trip to Victoria Station. By prioritizing passenger comfort, accessibility, and hygiene, Maxwood Washrooms has played a vital role in enhancing the overall experience for millions of travellers passing through one of London's busiest transport hubs.



  • Marante Cubicle system in PVD Stainless Steel

  • Xeista Cascade Vanity Units

  • Prism Mirror Units w. Bespoke Lightbox System

Project Gallery

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