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What Makes a Great Accessible Washroom? Beautiful Inclusive Spaces


Accessible washrooms can be both beautiful and inclusive spaces for people of all abilities. Creating a washroom environment with more consideration given to the needs of users should not mean a compromise in aesthetics. In this blog post, we will explore what makes a great accessible washroom and how to ensure they remain inviting and stylish spaces.


Inclusive design is essential in commercial spaces, as it helps create an environment that is safe and comfortable for everyone. Good design allows people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to enter and use the space without feeling excluded. Accessible washrooms are a major step towards creating more inclusive public places and any site that caters to the public has a duty to provide accessibility. Businesses that don’t prioritise accessibility risk alienating their customers and damaging their brand. Inclusive design is not just a matter of compliance with legislation; it is a way of creating spaces that are welcoming and equitable for all.


Inaccessible washrooms can be a major barrier for those with mobility issues, impairments or other physical or mental health needs. To ensure a washroom is accessible, it must be highly functional and compatible with Document M (Doc-M) of the UK building regulations.

When designing a great accessible washroom, it should be easy to use and thoughtfully designed so each user feels the space was created for them. This includes elements such as a raised height WC with extra projection for wheelchair transfers, lever taps, paddle flush for toilets, emergency assistance alarms, and supporting grab rails of a contrasting colour to aid the visually impaired.

Another important consideration when designing a functional and inclusive washroom is access doors that open outward. Here at Maxwood Washrooms our expert team are experienced in creating compliant accessible cubicles that will fit seamlessly into your washroom design.

For easy emergency access cubicles our Movana cubicle is a great option. Movana is the only full-height cubicle door that opens outwards in an emergency. With no need for heavy lifting or tools and no sacrificial damage to the door needed, Movana cubicle doors provide quick access when the user needs assistance fast. The 8 second access doors are fully compliant with Doc-M and do not compromise on aesthetics.

These elements can all be incorporated with the same stylish design-led standards as any other commercial washroom space, allowing for a more inclusive, functional, and aesthetically pleasing environment for everyone.


When it comes to making a successful accessible washroom, aesthetics should never be an afterthought. It is possible to incorporate all the features needed for a safe and comfortable environment, whilst still creating a design-led space.

Although the design of an accessible washroom must meet regulations for safety, the space should still reflect the values and identity of your brand. The aim should be to create an accessible environment which is not only comfortable, practical and safe, but one that looks good too.

Thankfully, there are now more options than ever when it comes to design-led features. Doc-M compliant facilities are a must for providing confidence and assurance, but there are many aspects that can be considered to blend this with the overall design aesthetic.

Colour can be a very powerful tool for creating synergy throughout the design. Choosing the right shades can set the tone for your space and influence the mood of the user. This can be further enhanced with the right finishes and decorative elements like tiles, fixtures and artwork which reflect the spirit of your brand.

The design of accessible washrooms should never be underestimated; rather, a creative approach to its interior should be adopted. With the correct products and innovative solutions, it is possible to create a washroom which looks impressive and functions with ease.

Consulting with an expert team, like Maxwood Washrooms, can help to create a stylish and practical inclusive washroom. As with any washroom design, ensuring that the end user’s needs are met is paramount; particularly for people with disabilities who may have additional requirements that can impact their overall experience.

Here at Maxwood Washrooms we have experienced specialists who can ensure all elements are brought together harmoniously to deliver a functional yet aesthetically pleasing washroom. No matter how challenging the brief may be, your washroom should provide those with disabilities with the same experience and comfort levels as everyone else.

Ultimately, by bringing together inclusive design and aesthetics, it is possible to meet the needs of all and ensure a lasting positive impression.

If you're interested in creating beautiful accessible washrooms, book a consultation today:

We’re available via email at or give us a call at 020 3657 7615.

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