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90 Fetter Lane

CLIENT: CORE/Evans Randall Investors

ARCHITECT: John Robertson Architects

MAIN CONTRACTOR: Knight Harwood Ltd


SITE DURATION: 18 months

Having achieved a BREEAM rating of “Excellent”, this notable midtown project has succeeded in turning the property heads of the capital. The “cut & carve” refurbishment has created an 8-storey multi-occupier workspace over a total of 76,000 sq. ft, including state-of-the-art cycling facilities in the basement level.


  • Flush-fronted, full height Maranté WC Cubicle in gloss white laminate

  • Glass Maxwall IPS in RAL 1035 metallic Pearl Beige back-painted glass

  • Floating Xeista Cascade vanity troughs in concrete-effect solid surface material & De Castelli splashbacks

  • Prism Mirror Unit above the vanity troughs

  • Superloo, consisting of the above 3 items

  • Interlayered-glass urinal privacy screen

  • Bespoke towel shelving units


"Maxwood were positive with resolving any items and ensuring the management was in place. Harvey for us was a great positive…”
Phil Dewhurst, Project Manager, Knight Harwood

Key Successes:

“With the De Castelli metal splashbacks being on a 12-week lead-time, there was absolutely no margin of error with these items. We spent a lot of time coordinating the tap positions to gridlines on site, so that these were exactly where they needed to be, to suit the pre-drilled splashbacks. Knight Harwood were awesome to work with.”
Craig Greenway, Senior Design Manager, Maxwood

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